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It is a roadmap action for strategic planning by focusing on the company's vision, mission, values, and principles. With the formation of a business strategy, a step-by-step path is established where Human Strategy supports.

What is Included?

  • Workshop with company leaders or decision makers to identify the manifest for vision/ mission, values/ principles
  • All data is written down and a vision booklet is created. Oral/ written action planning with several rounds of teams is included in the scope of the formation of this document.

Why Should You Take This Service? 

To create the human resources policy of the company it is necessary to decide on the ‘Human Strategy’ first. A framework should also be determined for the formation of a strategy with the strategic goal, business goals and vision of the organization.

What Will Be the Benefits?

  • Determination of the starting point for a sustainable corporate policy
  • Creation of a human resources policy framework aligned with the main business objectives of the company
  • Analysis of the operability of the current human resources structure 
  • Providing mentorship to HR professionals for their development 
  • Accelerating all business units and building operational efficiency for the future with harmonized collaborations that do not act independently of each other and are harmonized for a single corporate goal
  • Starts building a corporate culture.